Message and Field

class proto.message.Message(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]

The abstract base class for a message.

  • mapping (Union[dict, Message]) – A dictionary or message to be used to determine the values for this message.
  • ignore_unknown_fields (Optional(bool)) – If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields. Only applied if mapping is a mapping type or there are keyword parameters.
  • kwargs (dict) – Keys and values corresponding to the fields of the message.
classmethod pb(obj=None, *, coerce: bool = False)

Return the underlying protobuf Message class or instance.

  • obj – If provided, and an instance of cls, return the underlying protobuf instance.
  • coerce (bool) – If provided, will attempt to coerce obj to cls if it is not already an instance.
classmethod wrap(pb)

Return a Message object that shallowly wraps the descriptor.

Parameters:pb – A protocol buffer object, such as would be returned by pb().
classmethod serialize(instance) → bytes

Return the serialized proto.

Parameters:instance – An instance of this message type, or something compatible (accepted by the type’s constructor).
Returns:The serialized representation of the protocol buffer.
Return type:bytes
classmethod deserialize(payload: bytes) → proto.message.Message

Given a serialized proto, deserialize it into a Message instance.

Parameters:payload (bytes) – The serialized proto.
Returns:An instance of the message class against which this method was called.
Return type:Message
classmethod to_json(instance, *, use_integers_for_enums=True, including_default_value_fields=True, preserving_proto_field_name=False) → str

Given a message instance, serialize it to json

  • instance – An instance of this message type, or something compatible (accepted by the type’s constructor).
  • use_integers_for_enums (Optional(bool)) – An option that determines whether enum values should be represented by strings (False) or integers (True). Default is True.
  • preserving_proto_field_name (Optional(bool)) – An option that determines whether field name representations preserve proto case (snake_case) or use lowerCamelCase. Default is False.

The json string representation of the protocol buffer.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(payload, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False) → proto.message.Message

Given a json string representing an instance, parse it into a message.

  • paylod – A json string representing a message.
  • ignore_unknown_fields (Optional(bool)) – If True, do not raise errors for unknown fields.

An instance of the message class against which this method was called.

Return type:


classmethod to_dict(instance, *, use_integers_for_enums=True, preserving_proto_field_name=True, including_default_value_fields=True) → proto.message.Message

Given a message instance, return its representation as a python dict.

  • instance – An instance of this message type, or something compatible (accepted by the type’s constructor).
  • use_integers_for_enums (Optional(bool)) – An option that determines whether enum values should be represented by strings (False) or integers (True). Default is True.
  • preserving_proto_field_name (Optional(bool)) – An option that determines whether field name representations preserve proto case (snake_case) or use lowerCamelCase. Default is True.
  • including_default_value_fields (Optional(bool)) – An option that determines whether the default field values should be included in the results. Default is True.

A representation of the protocol buffer using pythonic data structures.

Messages and map fields are represented as dicts, repeated fields are represented as lists.

Return type:


classmethod copy_from(instance, other)

Equivalent for protobuf.Message.CopyFrom

  • instance – An instance of this message type
  • other – (Union[dict, ~.Message): A dictionary or message to reinitialize the values for this message.
class proto.fields.Field(proto_type, *, number: int, message=None, enum=None, oneof: str = None, json_name: str = None, optional: bool = False)[source]

A representation of a type of field in protocol buffers.


Return the descriptor for the field.


Return the name of the field.


Return the package of the field.


Return the composite type of the field, or the primitive type if a primitive.

class proto.fields.MapField(key_type, value_type, *, number: int, message=None, enum=None)[source]

A representation of a map field in protocol buffers.

class proto.fields.RepeatedField(proto_type, *, number: int, message=None, enum=None, oneof: str = None, json_name: str = None, optional: bool = False)[source]

A representation of a repeated field in protocol buffers.

class proto.enums.Enum[source]

A enum object that also builds a protobuf enum descriptor.

class proto.enums.ProtoEnumMeta[source]

A metaclass for building and registering protobuf enums.